Associated Engineering (B.C.) Ltd. was incorporated in 1984 in British Columbia. We are an employee-owned, Canadian consulting engineering company with a history dating back more than 75 years. One of Canada’s most comprehensive consulting engineering companies, Associated Engineering provides design and construction services in the roads, highways, bridges, structures, water resources, wastewater, water, solid waste and site engineering fields. We provide a full range of engineering services, including conceptual planning, inspection, preliminary and detailed design, value engineering, quality control and assurance, contract administration and construction services. Our full-service project team comprises multi-disciplined in-house engineers, scientists, technologists, and other professionals in the civil, structural, environmental, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation and controls engineering disciplines, and also includes survey and inspection crews. With our instant messaging, videoconferencing and file sharing capabilities, we subscribe to our One Company One Office philosophy that allows our teams across the company to work together seamlessly. We have 1000+ multi-discipline staff across 21 offices in Canada to provide our clients with local focus, complemented by specialist expertise and resources across the country.
Award-Winning Success
In 2008, Associated Engineering was recognized as one of Canada's Best Managed Companies. In 2014, we qualified as a Platinum Club member of this prestigious national program, and we have continued to maintain this high standard to date for 14 years in a row. This award recognizes our company’s high level of business performance, sustained growth, technical excellence, sustainable business practices, innovation, as well as our dedication to staff development and wellness.
Associated Engineering provides clients with cost-efficient, innovative, value-added solutions. We pride ourselves on achieving solutions that are constructible, aesthetically pleasing, and environmentally sustainable. Recognized as an industry leader, the company has received numerous provincial, national, and international awards for our excellence in engineering services.