We are medical and health practitioners who assess, treat and rehabilitate musculoskeletal injuries. We can treat and rehabilitate not only sport-related injury, but anything from post-surgical joint replacement to a concussion in a child. We offer Athletic Therapy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic Care, Clinical Counselling, Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy, Osteopathy, Holistic Nutrition, Shockwave Therapy, Concussion Care, Custom Orthotics and Kinesiology. We treat patient education as a key component to a healthy and fast recovery from any injury. A treatment may include: soft tissue release, joint mobilization, physical reconditioning, learning how to prevent re-injury and a take home rehabilitation program. With one-on-one treatments, we focus on finding and treating the cause of your injury. We provide you with the tools and rehabilitation program designed specifically for you and your injury. Whatever your sport, goal or finish line, Driftwood Sport and Wellness is with you every step of the way.